In accordance with The CDC and New York State’s Covid-19 Policy:
SimpleeBEAUTIFUL will be open at this capacity servicing up to 3 to 4 clients in the salon at one time. The full capacity is 6 clients.
Since we are only able to accommodate 3 feet distancing, all clients are required to wear masks and or face shields at all times in the salon. As mandated by New York City all employees must be vaccinated as of December 27, 2021; our staff will also wear masks and face shields and have been fully vaccinated, and are tested negatively regularly.
Since SimpleeBEAUTIFUL’s space is very cozy at this time we require all clients to be vaccinated, and follow our protocol:
- Please take a temperature check upon entering the salon. The thermometer resides on the wall across from our new front desk.
- Please answer any Covid-19 questions. Are you Vaccinated or tested? Any contact, exposure, or travel within 14 days? Etc.
- Please sanitize your hands and wash your hands before being seated.
We will continue to sanitize all furniture and equipment after each client. We also continue to clean and sanitize our salon daily.
We have a purifier on at all times.
We are blessed to have a full schedule booked. Please be proactive and schedule your upcoming appointments in advance.
Any questions contact us. Again, thank you for your support and patience.
Light & Love
Diane Da Costa &